How many way to transfer a domain? Print

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There are two ways to transfer a domain


Changing the Registrar

    Transfer a domain from one registrar to another registrar

  1. To transfer domain go
  2. Need to put Authorization Code or Epp code /Auth code.
  3. It is activated for 1 year.
  4. Here you need to pay money for 1 year Registration



Changing the name server

  1. By changing the name server (DNS) settings for the domain to point it another server but the Billing and domain administration remain with the domain's current registrar.
  2. To change name server login to your current Registrar
  3. No need Authorization Code or Epp code /Auth code.
  4. It is activated for the remaining expiry period  of the domain in current Registrar.
  5. Here you do not need to pay money, because your domain still remaining the current Registrar.

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